Besides being a subscription agent, APSA also represents leading scientific publishers such as Butterworth, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Carl Hanser Verlag, Elsevier, Kluwer, MEP, Walter de Gruyter, World Scientific and others.
We work closely with 65,000 publishers worldwide to continuously update the subscription information in our 260,000 titles-strong database. This allows us to rapidly supply you with all the information you need to make the best purchasing decisions possible.
- Access to current pricing information for all journals
- No service charges- Publishers actual prices charged
- The strategies adopted to promote new journals include following:
Direct Mail marketing
- Mailing of specimen copies on request
- Special promotional calls by sales representatives
Claims: Every publisher is investing a great deal of effort to guarantee a smooth delivery of the journals. However, sometimes one or more issues do not reach the recipient. We put our effort in automatic generation of claim letters for gaps-in-receipt of journal issue